🚀What are crowds?

Crowds are Juicecrowd cohorts that run in thematic seasons.

Crowds and themes

Before launching permissionless project creation (i.e. anyone can make a project anytime), Juicecrowd will start with cohorts called Crowds. Each crowd will have a unifying theme like Web3 and Blockchain Apps, Social causes, Art and creative projects, etc.

Submissions and review process

There will be a submission period for each crowd during which anyone will be able to submit a project that corresponds to the theme. Once the submission deadline is reached, the team at PeelDAO will review the applicants and contact the chosen projects.

Project launch and prize pool

Selected projects will receive crowdfunding campaign guidance from the team at PeelDAO and will launch for four weeks on Juicecrowd. After the campaign ends, the top 3 projects by amount of ETH raised will receive a portion of the prize pool provided by Juicebox.

Last updated