🛠️Who is Juicecrowd for?

Juicecrowd is a tool for builders and creatives that want to get their project funded with their community.

💻 Open-source software

Working on an open-source software project and need funding to continue development? You can use Juicecrowd to allow anyone in the world with ETH to contribute directly to the development of your project.

📱 Early-stage startups

Working on an early-stage product and need funding to validate your idea and continue building? You can use Juicecrowd to accept contributions from backers and early users who are eager to see your project flourish.

🫂 Non-profits and social causes

Working on a charitable cause or non-profit and need to raise funds to reach your goals and make change? You can use Juicecrowd to accept global donations from supporters who believe in your cause.

🎨 Artists and creatives

Working on a new creative project and need funding to find time and continue producing? You can use Juicecrowd to allow fans and collectors to support your project while offering them NFT rewards in return.

Last updated