🤝The team behind Juicecrowd

Juicecrowd is being built by the team at PeelDAO.

🍊 PeelDAO

PeelDAO has been building juicebox.money for nearly two years, with hundreds of commits under their belt and millions of dollars in ETH flowing through the contracts.

Current team members include Aeolian, Peri, JohnnyD, Wraeth, Strath, and TJL.

🛠️ Building on Juicebox

Now that the core Juicebox Protocol contracts are stable and battle-tested, the next phase is building the application layer on top. Whereas juicebox.money is the most comprehensive way to interact with Juicebox, Juicecrowd is the first of several dapps being developed by PeelDAO that will offer a more tightly-scoped and simplified user experience.

Last updated